Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Advent is coming!

Advent is just around the corner, so I'd like to share some ideas from the past couple of years with you.

The top of my list is the Godly Play Advent story. You can tell it in one setting or split it up into 5 parts.  For children under 5 years of age, I would definitely tell it in more than one sitting. Also, if you don't have time to learn a long story, telling it this way avoids stress. The English version is in  Godly Play Vol.3: 20 Core Presentations for Winter and the German one is in Godly Play 03: Gleichnisse und Weihnachtszeit.

There is also the enrichment story, "The Mystery of Christmas" about some of the lesser told parts of the Christmas story this year as well.  It features Giotto paintings and can be found in both of the above mentioned books as well. This story is better suited to children 5 and up.

A fun family tradition is our Nature Advent Calendar

If you are looking for art projects, there is the Nature Nativity

Stacking Christmas Trees for the little ones

and, if it's cold enough,  Ice Ornaments.

And if that's not enough ideas for you, please check out the Advent Link-Up party from last year:

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